Feel the fear. But do it anyway
Fight or Flight.Our bodies way of trying to keep us safe.Years ago, when in danger of being eaten by a wild animal while cooking up dinner in our cave, that was helpful.Now however..... not so much!Our bodies shut down. We can't take in any more. We feel overwhelmed. We go silent. We sabotage. We retreat into ourselves.F.E.A.R. - Feel Everything and RUN!The last few days 'Fear' has been creeping up on me. Its sneaky. I know it's there but I think the doors are locked tight and that it can't get around my positive mental attitude. But it won't stop knocking.Last week I made a HUGE decision in work. Like crazy-super-dooper HUGE. I am excited for this insane leap of faith, but when the other party actually said 'yes', that was when fear reared its ugly head.So the big leap I said I would make, I actually have to go through with it now.On one hand I can't wait and I know its going to be a game changer and the most EPIC adventure to date. But on the other hand....... Crap! Its 3x more scary that my situation now. If not 4x actually when I take everything into account.The reason I am writing this and telling you all, is that although the fear has come a knocking, I won't let it in.I am feeling the fear...... but doing it anyway.Fear can kiss my ass!I am a badass women running my own business and raising a happy and healthy little girl. I've got this. I can make this leap, just like all the other leaps that were a HUGE deal over the years and are now just achievements and amazing stories to tell my grandkids.This step is no different to the one just over three years ago. I was scared and didn't have a clue how I would do that then either, but I did it and since then my life and business is unrecognisable.I am sharing this blog with you all as I want you to know that you too can simply feel the fear. Let it all in. Acknowledge it. Respect it. Thank it for trying to keep you safe. But lovingly send it on it's way while reassuring it and yourself that you will be fine. More than fine. That you are unstoppable and you've got this!My lovely friends.We can do this!Yay to us xxx