Ask your Higher Self:
What do I need to know?
Connecting to your Soul/Higher Self on a daily basis is such a powerful way to connect to your dreams, desires, soul callings and so much more. Your Soul/Higher Self knows what you need, it knows how to get you from A-B, it knows what you need to go through in order to be the happiest, healthiest, best version of yourself (as you ARE all of those things already!)
Sometimes it can be hard to see our own STUFF, so we need someone to help us connect a little deeper to ourselves.
That’s where I come in……
With my readings I work intuitively to feel, sense and see what you need to know with the help of my Soul/Highest Self, Spirit Guides, Soul Team and Tarot cards.
This of course may not always be what you WANT to know, but we are working with your Highest Self, for your highest good, and the highest good of all here. So no matter what comes up, know your Soul has called this message in for a reason, and it’s up to you to listen and take it all in.
I honestly believe that we are only given what we NEED to know in each moment. What we are READY to work on. They give us no more, or no less than we can handle and take in at the time.
I sense that working with our Soul/Highest Selves is the calling and reason for our incarnating on this Earth. To live as human beings, yes, but to live in a way in which we open up to our own divinity along the way.
When you are self empowered, nothing and no one can shake you!
YOU have all the answers you need, allow me to connect you to you.
It’s not fortune telling
No one can predict your future. Not even your Highest Self. We are all living multiple different time lines, all at the same time, so trying to predict your future isn’t that simple.
We all have free will, and we all make choices very single day that alter the timeline we are on.
This can be in positive or negative ways, but it’s always for your highest good.
The only thing we can do is follow our Soul/Highest Self’s callings, guidance, dreams, whispers and nudges, and be prepared to learn the lessons along the way.
Just know that YOU are the only one able to change the course of your own life. Be your own leader and follow your heart - The seat of your Soul.
“Thank you thank you so much! Brilliant reading and will highly recommend you.
Love the way you connect to spirit.
Apologies for writing so much. Just wanted you to know you hit the nail on the head.”
Rosie 16/3/23