Unlock Your Authentic Expression and Inner Power Through 1:1 Sessions
1:1 Sessions for anyone ready to dive into Radical Self Enquiry and Responsibility
“We all need a Sacred Space Holder”
There are many times in our lives that we need someone to talk to. We need an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a mirror to reflect back to us what we are dealing with and someone to offer support, guidance and inspiration when we are facing the depths of our shadows and feelings.
Space holding is a sacred act. It’s one that not everyone can do, and one that not everyone should do. But we need people in our lives that can do just that though, hold space.
Hold space for the grief, for the darkness, for the inner voices that have been running the show on auto pilot until now, and also for the whispers of the soul that are yearning to be heard and felt. To see the light in the darkness, and someone who is able to reflect that back to us. We forget we are the light and that we have the answers, and sometimes we just need someone else to help us remember.
“You are a Spirit, having a Human experience”
We all have lessons to learn in our lives and I am a huge believer in gathering as much information as possible about ourselves so that we can slowly, over time, discover who we are in our essence.
Who did we come here to be in this life time?
What did we come here to learn and discover?
What did we come here to experience and feel?
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean going about asking everyone else who we are, or who we should be, I mean looking into all manner of modalities to compile a list of things that FEEL right to you. Things that spark that fire in your belly and that make some part of your mind soften with a knowing that there is a place in the world that you fit in. A you shaped place that only you can fill!
That place is within you.
That place is YOU.
We come from a time, and live in a world, that breeds separateness. That thrives on us feeling isolated and alone. Living in fear. One of the main things I want to help you realise is that you are never alone.
“You are a Spirit, having a Human experience” and I believe we came here to remember that Universal Truth. That we must honour our Human experience and learn as much as we can from it in order to balance our lives. To live a life that is both spiritual AND Human. That we can not have one without the other.
What's this got to do with space holding I hear you say?
Well this journey of forgetting everything we have ever been told about ourselves, and remembering our own true authentic inner voice and light, is a long road and a tough road at times too. So, we need help!
We will have many helpers and teachers in our lives and over our lifetimes, and maybe I am here to be one for you too? Maybe just for a conversation, maybe for many conversations, either way it would be my honour to hold space and help you discover yourself a little deeper!
This self development world isn't for the faint of heart. You have to be ready to dive into the depths of yourself and this can be scary. That is why I am here. I can hold you and guide you with the right questions, the mindset shifts, the creative solutions to preconceived ideas, I am here to connect you deeper to yourself, to your soul, and from there…. You will truly transform your life. Maybe not in the way you think, but I can guarantee it will be in ways that you can't even imagine right now.
You have all the answers, I am simply here to ask you the right questions and reflect back to you what you may not be able to see just yet. Holding space with love, compassion, care and empowerment.
Deep diving into our stories and discovering ourselves can be isolating and lonely work, so having someone there to help as you do the work is such a huge support.
If you want a compassionate, creative conversation with me there are two options we can work with -
The “one off chat”, or a collection of the “deep dive, all in, trust and surrender chats!”
Single Session - 90 min session - £175
You can book in for a one off session in which we can get to know each other and you can bring me an issue you’re facing or something that is coming up for you.
We can tap into the feelings, the repeating stories and patterns, with the intention that you will come away some creative solutions or further inner reflection questions to work on when you leave.
Block of Sessions - Three £475 - Six £950
If you want support more frequently or think you would benefit from a block of sessions we can book either 3 or 6 consecutive sessions.
We connect for up to 90 mins once a week/or once every two weeks and this is the perfect opportunity to go really deep into the old stories and peel back some layers of past conditioning and limiting beliefs, to discover your true desires, passions and callings with the help of someone on your side.
These regular sessions provide even more opportunity for growth and healing, and there is a private WhatsApp message thread to stay in contact throughout the duration of these sessions too.
What is a Creative Rebel?
A Creative Rebel is someone who fearlessly seeks innovative solutions to life's challenges. They possess the courage to explore the depths of their being, unearthing profound insights about themselves. By choosing a path of authenticity, they break free from societal expectations and take control of their destiny. My 1:1 sessions are designed to help you cultivate this rebellious spirit within your own lives
Why work with a Creative Rebel?
Art is an integral part of what I do day in and day out. I use creative expression to discover my own inner landscape and I use the same tools when talking with others.
With the one off sessions or at the beginning of a block of sessions I like to bring out the big guns - The craft supplies!!
With a large piece of paper and an array of vibrant pens, we create a visual map that reveals the blocks and limiting beliefs hindering your progress, as well as the profound desires that reside within you. As the session unfolds, this artwork evolves, ultimately becoming a tangible representation of your journey. You can meditate upon it, engage with it, and let it inspire you to walk the path of your soul's desires.
By the session's end, you will have unearthed numerous precious insights, which can be integrated and embodied into your daily life. These sessions are particularly beneficial when you feel stuck, stagnant, or disconnected from your true life force energy.
By approaching shadow work in a creative manner, we go beyond mere intellectual understanding, delving into the symbolism and messages embedded within the artwork. Why did you choose that specific colour? Could it relate to a chakra in need of attention? Why is this word hidden while another occupies half the page? Through my intuitive guidance, we unlock the messages your spirit yearns to share and unravel the secrets your subconscious has kept hidden.
In the sacred space we create, you will feel deeply held, seen, heard, and understood by yourself. This is where true transformation takes root, as you begin to manifest profound changes in your life.
How Can These Sessions Benefit you?
Discover Who You Are: Dive deep into the depths of your being, uncovering the true essence of who you are and what drives you. Explore your passions, values, and purpose, and gain a deeper understanding of your authentic self.
Connecting with others in a loving heart centred way: Learn to effectively communicate your needs, your fears and your desires while holding space for others to do the same. Compassion breeds forgiveness.
Unlock Limiting Beliefs: Release the shackles of limiting beliefs that have held you back. Together, we'll identify and transform those beliefs, clearing the path for new possibilities and empowering you to reach your full potential.
Live a Spiritual Holistic Life: Connect with the spiritual dimensions of your being, integrating mind, body, and soul into a harmonious whole. Experience the transformative power of living a holistic life, aligning with your spiritual essence and finding balance in all aspects of your existence.
Activate Dormant Gifts and Talents: Tap into your hidden treasures and unleash your dormant gifts and talents. Discover new facets of your creative potential, expanding your horizons and embracing the unique abilities that have been waiting to be awakened.
Unlock Desires, Hopes, and Dreams: Explore the depths of your desires, hopes, and dreams, and bring them into conscious awareness. Together, we'll breathe life into your aspirations, setting the stage for their manifestation and guiding you towards a future that aligns with your deepest yearnings.
Move Blocked Energy and Emotions: Somatically and energetically release blocked energy and emotions that may be hindering your growth. Experience the freedom and liberation that comes from moving stagnant energy, allowing it to flow through and out of your body and energy field.
Discover Your Authentic Higher Self: Journey towards embodying the most authentic version of your Higher Self. Connect with your inner wisdom, tap into your intuition, and align with your true essence, finding guidance and clarity on your path of self-discovery.
Tap into Creative Solutions and Inspiration: Awaken your creativity and tap into innovative solutions for personal and professional challenges. Unleash your imagination, explore new perspectives, and access a wellspring of inspiration to fuel your creative endeavors.
Feel Heard, Seen, and Held: In the nurturing space of a 1:1 session, you'll feel deeply heard, seen, and held. Receive non-judgmental support, compassion, and guidance as we embark on this transformative journey together, creating a safe and empowering container for your growth.
Trying to sum this work up on a website page, listing all the reasons you “should work with me”, or telling you “how I can help you” seem so hard and impersonal.
How am I to articulate a feeling? A sense of deep inner peace that comes from working with me? One that many have shared with me, that they feel being in my presence and after I have listened to them and offered my words as encouragement or support. I need to also show up in the online web space as well as the in person web of the world.
I wish I could just sit with you and we could start with a normal conversation, a no pressure chat so you can feel my energy and I can feel yours. I can listen to you and you can, maybe for the first time in a long time, feel seen, heard and understood. But alas, This is the internet! No real life smiles and eye contact here… just yet!
However, if you can feel something, anything pulling you in, and if there is anything sparking your interest, I would give that little niggle some wiggle room and maybe get booking yourself a session. Could well be a pivotal step towards reclaiming your inner magick and power! You inner YOU!
Much love xx