Vlog’s and More

2021 is the start of a new journey for me. The birth of the Creative Rebel. Part of my rebellion is speaking my truth and using my voice in an authentic and empowering way.

Vlogs have been an amazing way for me to do just that. Some are long, some are…. not quite as long. Haha! But all of them are from the heart and soul and I hope me stepping into my true self and sharing my voice for all to hear, helps or inspires you in some way.

I have also included the link to a few of my older blog posts if you feel like taking a peek.

Much love xx


After being called to share my journey and experiences for many years and doing so in my blog and business pages intermittently, today was the day I finally pressed record and started my video vlog stories.

This is raw and unedited, as the thoughts and words came to me, they are shared with you.

From my magical mind to yours ✨

Self sabotage, limiting beliefs, inner critic, kindness and compassion.

If you make it through 9 minuets and find any value Or inspiration in anything I’m saying, then my work here is done ✨

Perfectly imperfect, riding the waves and hoping to help others know they are not alone.

Much love x

Fresh air, sunshine and some more rambling. Checking in and talking where I’m at now and what the future holds.....🤔🤪🤷🏻‍♀️😂

What’s does your mind, body and soul NEED from you right now?

My mind body and soul needed a walk up the mountain.

More videos coming soon……

That monkey on your shoulder, those little voices in your head, the doubt that consumes your thoughts..... it’s lying to you.

You’ve got this. You are a bad ass. You can do anything you set your mind too. You (and me) are loved and capable.

Listen to your body and check in when you feel those thoughts running the show. I guarantee they tricking you.

Hydrate and give yourself a big hug.

Much love xx

Today was a day for doing all the things but ended up being a day for procrastination, chipping teeth, and suicidal fish..... happy Tuesday 😂

If you don’t like where you are.... move..... or the storm will come and do it for you!

Just my thoughts on the old saying “if you don’t like where you are, move, you’re not a tree”

A little bit of Wednesday motivation

If you liked my vlogs, you will love my blogs!

Pop over to my journal to have a peek.