A Letter To My Daughter - Aged 11
I have left out some of what I wrote, as it is for Isla. It doesn’t feel right to share my heart felt words that were channeled for her with the world, but the gold is below for all to know. Enjoy.
✨ I hope you are in touch with your magic.
✨I hope you own how powerful you are as a human being.
✨I hope all of my ‘Woo Woo’ has rubbed off on you, and you know that the only person you have to worry about what they say about you, is yourself.
✨Be kind to yourself.
✨Love yourself.
✨Practice Ho'oponopono every day.
“I'm sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you”
The most powerful prayer I've come across to date.
✨I hope you know that “hurt people, hurt people” and whatever anyone says to you in a horrible way is about them NOT you. And vice versa. If you are jealous of others, or or mean, I hope you stop and ask yourself why are you feeling the way you do?
I hope you check in and ask yourself:
💖What is this person triggering in me?
💖What about this person/their life is making me jealous/envious?
On this last one, I learned that when we are jealous of someone else it is because they are mirroring back to us our own untapped potential. So it's an invitation to go within and find out what dreams or desires are begging to come out.
✨I hope you always call upon your unseen guides and spirit team for support, even if you ever get to a place of doubt. Ask them anyway, and be open to their signs.
✨Look for magic everywhere and you will find magic everywhere.
✨No one else can make you whole, as you are whole already!
✨If you ever feel alone or lonely, please know, feel, sense and remember that you are an infinite being of light and love of God/The Universe's creation. You are source energy, just like everyone else. So you are never alone, as you are the whole Universe in a beautiful, loving meat suit (a.k.a. body) Haha!
✨I hope you know that your thoughts attract your reality. So think happy thoughts, think positive, expect the magical and unexpected.
✨Practice gratitude - The Magic!!
What are you grateful for? Not “I don't have this or that.” Be grateful for what you do have, and more flow to you every day.
✨Know the Universe is abundant. There is NO lack! If your mind is telling you there isn't enough money/love/time etc, then tell your mind where to go! Tell it you have more than enough money/time/love.
✨Remember you are a child of God and The Universe (same thing) but you are also Human. You came here as a soul, a spiritual being, to experience life, a human reality.
So feel your feelings. Move your body. Enjoy your body. Express yourself in any way you know how, at any time, as LOUD as you like. Do the shadow work a.k.a. inner work, inner child healing, inner teenager healing, mothering your inner child or teen (if you need to).
✨All in all, have your own back. Don't put all your magic and light and someone else's hands, for them to take it from you. What I mean is, be your own cheerleader. Don't allow others to dictate how you live your life, or tell you how to feel/act or what to do/be.
You are the sun, the sky, the stars and the moon, and you don't need anyone else to validate that for you.
✨Love yourself above all else. You're the only one you have with you your whole life, and you're the longest relationship you'll ever have. Other loves come and go but you are forever. So love yourself every day, in every way.
As we always say: “I don’t care what you say, I love you more every day!” I love you my girly.
Love Mum xxx