What Does It Mean to Empower Yourself?

Empowerment is a form of Rebellion, so of course it's close to my heart. Haha! To me empowerment means choosing yourself, doing what is best for you. Listening to your own inner voice and following it, despite what others may say.

The world isn’t exactly geared towards allowing people to empower themselves. The world - historically speaking - has an agenda to keep it’s people in line. To keep them full of food that represses their health and vitality, making them NEED the modern medicines that cost the world more than just ‘money’. To sell us the idea that we need to do/be/have the latest gadgets, gizmo’s and consumer products to be worthy and connected to our fellow humans. To keep us in the idea that we need to work hard for money to pay all the bills and in turn have no time for actually living!

When you really stop and think about all the ways in which we are shepherded to go along with the plan and rules outlined by people “at the top”, it’s no wonder that we can find it so hard to stand in our power, say no when we want to, prioritise ourselves, choose to live life differently and feel confident enough to go ahead with it.

Empowerment is reclaiming your power by connecting with your true self. It’s breaking free from limitations—both internal and external—and choosing to live authentically. It’s saying, “I am the creator of my life,” and then living as if that’s true.

Why It’s Important

When you’re empowered, you:

  • Build unshakable confidence in your own abilities, sense of self and inner knowing.

  • Set boundaries that honour your energy, learn that it’s more than ok to No when you feel called to.

  • Align with your higher purpose and access the inner spark and knowing that shines a light on what you came here to do.

Empowerment ripples into every area of your life, helping you show up fully for yourself and this in turn helps and inspires others to know they can do the same.

However, when we see someone standing in their power, we can be triggered and in turn, consciously or subconsciously, judge them, try and knock them down, get them to conform or fear monger them into playing small. We do this when we ourselves haven’t dealt with the fear we hold for standing up and standing out.

It’s completely understandable to have resistance to being empowered. It could feel unsafe, you could be rejected by those nearest and dearest to you, which in turn leads to feelings of abandonment and separation. We are quite literally deigned at a base level to need that feeling of safely and security that comes from being with other people, your caregivers or ones you love. As a baby we are completely at the mercy of those people and if they themselves subscribe to societal conditioning, and you start to choose an empowered alternate path, this could bring up all the fear responses that occur in our human body and nervous system making you stay where you are.

But what I invite you to feel into is, how is this serving you? How is this serving those around you? If you are all completely blissful and living life with sunshine and roses and are absolutely happy as you all are, then please, keep doing you, and don’t even worry about it, but if there is an undercurrent of fear, resentment, judgement and frustration…. I think you may well be one of us. The rebels!

How to Empower Yourself

One of the main mottos that I live by and teach others is “Know Thyself”. For me this is the first step in self empowerment. To look into our inner worlds and landscapes and start to explore our beliefs, our thoughts and feelings, our triggers, our dreams and desires. This is a process and it's a lifelong one to I sense.

A lot of what we think and feel can be as a result of our conditioning and upbringing, and it's amazing how we hold onto the beliefs and fears of others, without sometimes ever really taking a step back to form our own beliefs and thoughts. So doing the ‘inner work’ and looking at what lights you up and what feels icky to you, really helps start to unpick the true you from the you that has developed from your childhood upbringing. 

For me another really great way to start to discover the real you is to look at things like Human Design and your Astrological Chart. These tools provide you with insights into your personality, emotions, where you would thrive and where you may struggle. They are both calculated based on your birth time, date and place and both are astounding for giving that permission we need when we start to break free from the old. These tools haven't got anyone else in mind. They are specific to you! If you haven't ever looked into these elements or charts before then it can be overwhelming, but there are loads of resources out there to help you understand what you are finding out.

Get To Know Yourself

  1. Know Yourself via your birth time and date:
    Tools like Human Design and Astrology can uncover hidden layers of your being, guiding you toward alignment.

    • Astrology: Your birth chart offers a map of your soul’s purpose, strengths, and lessons. By understanding the placements of your sun, moon, and rising signs, you can gain insight into your emotional needs, life path, and how you’re meant to shine.
      [you can find your own birth chart here]

    • Human Design: This system combines ancient wisdom with modern science to reveal your energetic blueprint. It highlights how you’re designed to make decisions, interact with the world, and fulfil your purpose.
      [you can find your human design chart here]

      These tools help you uncover parts of yourself you may have been resisting or suppressing due to societal conditioning. They also provide validation for what you’ve always known to be true about yourself but may have doubted because of external pressures to conform.
      For example:

    • If you’ve always felt a pull toward freedom and spontaneity, your Human Design might show you’re a Manifesting Generator, confirming that responding to life moment by moment is your natural flow.

    • If you’ve been criticised for being introspective or “too emotional,” your astrology chart might reveal that your moon placement gives you the gift of deep emotional intelligence.

  2. Do the Inner Work:

  3. Uncover Your Desires:
    Ask, “What do I truly want from this life?” Journaling and vision boards can help bring clarity.

  4. Take Inspired Action:
    Empowerment isn’t passive. Use your insights to make aligned choices and take bold steps toward your dreams.

The Holistic & Psychological Connection

Empowerment is not just mental; it’s holistic. Tools like astrology and Human Design bridge the gap between your mind, body, and spirit. By aligning with your unique design and cosmic blueprint, you not only deepen self-awareness but also open the door to profound transformation. If you want help and space held while you get to know yourself and start your journey to self empowerment, then I would be honoured to do so, you can find out more on my 1:1 space holding packages of ways in which we can work together.

Living an Empowered life is a daily practice. It takes consistent alignment and action and without self love, you could really struggle to have the compassion and care needed to shift yourself from your old reality to a new one. So remember to love yourself, be kind to yourself and that “you don’t know, what you don’t know” so there is no need of self criticism or judgement of the past. We only have the NOW and what we wish for the future. So lets make it an EMPOWERED one!

Big love.
Jen xx

Jenny Fjurns-Giles

Creative entrepreneur with expertise in art, coaching, and workshops. 12+ years’ experience helping others unlock creativity, foster growth, and align with their purpose.


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